A viral video shows the moment a Nigerian student in the United Kingdom was apprehended with over $8.5 million hidden in a box in his room.

The footage, which is part of a documentary on organised crime in the United Kingdom, shows court bailiffs raiding the Nigerian student’s residence and uncovering the stockpile.

With a search warrant, the authorities visited the apartment where the student and possibly other Nigerians lived, only to discover the dollar bills buried in a sealed box.

As the bailiffs searched the apartment, they came across the odd box, which appeared to be both a cabinet and a bookcase.

The bailiffs opened the box with the tools provided, only to find wads of dollar bills strewn across the floor. The dollar bills, according to the documentary, might be the results of a crime, money laundering, or belonging to a Nigerian narcotics syndicate in the United Kingdom.

While the bailiffs waited for the police, a young man entered the apartment and presented himself as a student, to which he was told that the U.K. authorities had taken possession of the apartment and that he could not touch anything, despite pleading for permission to remove his books.

In the video, the student is making a phone call, “Mo tie mo, mo ti wole (I don’t know, but I’ve entered).

It is unknown whether the money belonged to the student whose face was obscured or if he was a member of the suspected syndicate.

Many Nigerians thought that he was the son of a famous Nigerian politician, whose parents may have used the money to launder it abroad. Money laundering and fraud involving Nigerian students studying abroad have grown commonplace.


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