Nosa Afolabi, also known as Lasisi Elenu, is a stand-up comedian and skit creator from Nigeria who claims that stand-up comedy requires more work than skit creation.

In a recent interview with Hip TV, Lasisi made the claim and cited the substantial amount of labour required for stand-up comedy as opposed to skit creation.

The humorist claimed that a skit can easily flow at any time or place.

“Both [stand-up comedy and skit-making] have a different feel. There is a lot of pressure in stand-up comedy. You’ve to be on your A-game, and you have to make several materials ready in case you use one and it’s not that good, you can always improvise. It’s very important to do that.

“However, skit-making has become a part of me; one which I can do at any time, any moment, from sleep, it’s a go for me. I know how to put myself in tune.

“Yeah, both [stand-up comedy and skit-making] are lucrative. It just depends on how you channel… As a matter of fact, it’s not how hard you work but how smart you work.

“So, it’s not about making the most skit videos, it’s how well you channel the videos to the right plugs go brand them in such a way that in turn you get financial reward for them. I believe either skit-making or stand-up comedy can give you the financial gains you’re looking for.”



Both skit-writing and stand-up comedy, in Lasisi’s opinion, are lucrative, but it all depends on how cleverly a person can direct his efforts towards commercial opportunities.


He stated: