Run From Jobless, Comfortable Men, Uchemba Advises Ladies

Actor Williams Uchemba has warned women to flee from jobless men who are comfortable with being idle and broke.
The father of one stated in a video on Instagram that the primary purpose of a woman is to help and support her husband, rather than being a breadwinner.

He said that while it is understandable when a woman has to take on the role of the breadwinner due to life circumstances, a woman who feels comfortable having her husband support her because she works hard ought to run.

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Williams Uchemba said: ‘’There is something in a man, some call it ego. There is something that God has put in a man to provide. A man is built to not just protect but provide.

“Ladies, if you are dating someone that is comfortable with being jobless because you have a good job, Run. It is a red flag because when God created Adam, the first thing God gave him was a job and when the job was too much, God said it is not good for this man to be alone. Let us give him a helper.

“One of the primary purposes of a wife is to help, to support what the man is doing, not to be breadwinner or a provider.”