The reality TV personality revealed that she doesn’t search for cash or riches in a possible spouse.

She emphasised that a devoted and caring relationship is what she needed.

The hype woman clarified that she can meet her financial obligations.

The singer Khaid was a guest on the most recent edition of the actress’ podcast, Spill With Phyna, in which she revealed this.

She stated:  “When it comes to my ideal partner, I don’t even want your money. As long as you love me, you care for me. Don’t worry, I will handle my financial needs.”

It shouldn’t be the case that some men are afraid to date affluent women, as Phyna pointed out.

Khaid, her guest, emphasised the importance of money in relationships by saying he wouldn’t think twice about accepting the opportunity to date a lady who was wealthy.

But he said that he would only agree provided the woman did not treat him unfairly.