Super Eagles Player Shares Shocking Allegations of Wife’s Affair With Pastor

A shocking scandal has enveloped the life of Nigerian professional footballer Olanrewaju Kayode, who has made a series of explosive accusations against his wife, Dora Kayode, and a pastor named Tobi Adegboyega. According to reports, Kayode alleges that his wife had been engaged in a fraudulent and adulterous relationship with the pastor, which has also involved allegations of kidnapping.

The saga unfolds with revelations that Mrs. Kayode misled her husband regarding her age, concealing the fact that she was seven years older than him at the time of their marriage.The saga unfolds with revelations that Mrs. Kayode misled her husband regarding her age, concealing the fact that she was seven years older than him at the time of their marriage.

Furthermore, it is reported that Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, purportedly introduced to Mrs. Kayode through a connection with socialite Daddy Freeze, is alleged to have engaged in an extramarital affair with her.

Reports suggest that Mrs. Kayode frequented orgies and spent extended periods away from home, allegedly in the company of Pastor Adegboyega.

In a distressing turn of events, Mr. Kayode claims that his wife utilised two Mercedes SUVs to finance the lavish lifestyle of Pastor Adegboyega and his associates.

Additionally, it is alleged that she conspired with individuals, including broker Ugochukwu Igboanugo, Jennifer Max Nduaguibe, and Lynda Dike Anulika, to unlawfully seize Mr. Kayode’s assets.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, the whereabouts of Mrs. Kayode’s three children have become unknown to the Nigeria international since Sunday, March 24, 2024.