Time for Kannywood to Come out of its Shell and Blossom

By Khadija Auyo

Movie making is not just about entertaining people and teaching them valuable life lessons, it is also about make-believe. The idea behind acting is not to remind the audience that it is just a movie or a play. The idea is to make them believe it is real or it is happening live. That is why the most celebrated thespians are the passionate ones, the ones who make it look so real. The ones who can easily spit fire when angry or shed tears when bitter.

But making quality movies does not start and end with the talent and role-interpreting prowess of the actor, there is the script which must be deep and original and there are technical sides to it too – the lighting, makeup, sound, visuals, cinematography etc. As a proud Nigerian who is avid follower of Hollywood and Kannywood movies, I believe the latter has a lot to learn from the former.

Hollywood is famous for making great movies that people love worldwide. Kannywood, which makes movies in the Hausa language, wants to be just as successful. To get better, Kannywood can learn from Hollywood’s attention to details and thoroughness.

Here are some aspects that Kannywood can consider emulating from Hollywood:

Scriptwriting and Storytelling
Hollywood makes great movies by starting with good stories and scripts. Kannywood can learn from Hollywood by:

– Developing strong characters and plot lines
– Making stories that appeal to different audiences
– Writing scripts that are clear and easy to follow

Production Quality

Hollywood’s high production values are evident in:

– High quality sound and visual effects
– Professional editing and camera work
– Paying attention to details like costumes and sets

Kannywood can make better movies by using better equipment and training its professionals.

Marketing and Distributions

Hollywood’s movies are seen worldwide due to good marketing and distribution. Kannywood can reach more audiences by:

– Promoting movies on social media and ads
– Releasing movies at the right time
– Partnering with streaming platforms and distributors

Collaborations and Partnerships

Hollywood’s collaborations lead to great movies. Kannywood can benefit from:

– Working with other African film industries
– Partnering with international professionals
– Encouraging teamwork among its own professionals


One of the ways Hollywood and Nollywood have managed to make their craft profitable is showing them in cinemas first before anything else. Kannywood can emulate this. Northern leaders should lead the efforts for the return of the cinemas. Bring the cinemas back!

Cultural Restrictions

For Kannywood to really climb the ladder, a lot of things that are influenced by culture need to change. The story lines and directing must move beyond same traditional issues. Blockbuster movies can come out of Kannywood. The talent is there, the market is huge. Practitioners can find the funds if they want.

Last Line

Kannywood has underperformed for too long. The Arewa people are rich in culture and tradition and the most beautiful faces and places are found in the northern part of the country. Great movies can still come out of the industry that will showcase the beauty and greatness of the people without offending its long-cherished values.